terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2015


Someday I'll tell you how it's like to have a good friendship. How it is to wake up every single day and have a smile on our face because we have the best ones with us. To see in their eyes that they will support me until the day I die. Someday I'll explain you that no one has the same luck as me. That nowadays it's difficult to find what I've found. That my heart it's so thankful for the road it took. When you see that your life does some kind of smile that makes the others smile you back, you'll see that's the only thing it matters on the end of the day. If you have learned to be a better person each day that pass you by, you'll find always a reason to be happier than the day before. I am happy, but just because I've all this love that makes me fight everyday, to win the battles of any ordinary day that I am proud to be part of. When I see you guys, every each of you, my heart goes bigger and my eyes fall apart from the real world, you make me see everything more beautiful and be aware of the uniqueness of my so beloved friendships. I hope the people that I care read this lines, because you're the reason I take my smile everyday home <3

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(in)sanidade escrita

Bem vindo ao mundo das verdades e mentiras de Trice ;)
Não penses que depois de ler qualquer um dos textos da Patrícia a conheces seja um pouco que seja, ela é demasiado ocupada para pensar no que escreve e só escreve o que (pensa) que sente. Já aconteceu não sentir. Por isso é que o blog se apelida de #Verdades e mentiras do dia 0#